I plaid my Passion
Give power to the calling. Tune into your hearts desires. Live it. Breathe it. Beam it”
Just realized I have been little MIA from my blog, forgive me my loves. I have so much Passion in me for what I do. Style Your Passion is truly my calling, my place of vulnerability and authenticity. This blog is all I am, my innermost layer of my heart. You cannot fake passion. It's either in every inch of your being or it's not there at all. How do you know it's your true passion? Well, you live it, you breath it. It's the first thing that's on your mind when you open your eyes in the morning, and the last thing right before you close them at night. It's that yearning in your heart being fulfilled. It's a magnetic field which charges you to get out of bed daily and let's you accomplish things you've never even dreamt about before.
This is why today I wanted to touch upon this topic of Passion. More of how we can lose it and what actually causes it to die. We all have been there before. Where we fall deeply in love with something and then we simply lose interest. And you know what, that's absolutely understandable. As long as we keep searching and never give up on what truly makes us happy. However, it is not ok, when that love, that yearning in our hearts for something better is not voiced and we decide not to pursue it. What if that one thing that keeps you away from living out your passion, takes you one step away from your destiny. From your true calling. There will always be challenges and obstacles along the way, but sometimes what attacks and kills our passion and dreams is something much, much more. It lies within us.
Passion is a choice, a discipline we have to steward every single day. Our unbalanced lifestyles can cause the passion to dissolve into thin air. Wether we are doing too much and in the process alienating ourselves from those closest around us. Or it might be just the opposite, that we are not doing enough to reach our goals. We need to find that right pattern and rhythm. It may take some time to figure it out. Take all the time you need. But don't forget to choose what you love doing, daily. What's stopping you form living to the fullest?
Gilt robs us of our passion.
Unused talent robs us of our passion.
Unresolved conflicts kills our passion.
Fear steals our passion.
Complacency kills our passion.
Unsupportive relationships diminish our passion.
Sabotage robs us of passion.
Past failures take away our passion.
These are all part of the process. I learned to turn my pain into passion. What I did not achieve in the past, propels me to channel all that energy into my future. There is nobody to impress, you don't need to live up to anyone's expectations. It starts with you and how you are going to use what God has gifted you with.
When you realize what your true purpose is, that will fuel your passion. Always be hungry for more and don't be afraid to want more. It starts with self awareness. Know who you are first and you'll be able to overcome what life throws at you. Build a solid foundation and your house will never be rocked. And surround yourself with smarter people who will lift you up in times of doubt and inspire you to be better. Because there is no greater feeling than living out your passion to the fullest. Hope you never lose your hunger.
Outfit deets:
Plaid is so in right now, I couldn't pass up on this amazing Plaid A-line Pinafore TopShop Dress! I love it some much I decided to title this blog post "I Plaid My Passion"!!! The best way to wear this type of dress is with layers. I chose a grey turtleneck underneath it with a long black blazer. You can also wear a white or black turtleneck. Wearing a Madewell coat over for those still wintery days. Spring hurry up will ya?
I wanted to show off some leg, so I went with booties instead of over the knee boots, which I think would be a great alternative to this outfit, as well as some classic white sneakers for more casual stroll in the city. A fiddler cap and a cup of good coffee always completes the outfit. I seriously wear my hat with every single outfit! I got mine from Asos and it was only $26, talk about the return on my money!
The devil is always in the details. If you notice, I wore pink polka dot sheer socks with a matching shade of pink in my Rebecca Minkoff crossbody bag. I think it really sets the tone of this outfit. Even though it's still grey and saturated colors, you get a glimpse of whats to come. SPRING! Everything is linked below.
With love,
Passionista Marlena.