Happy 2nd Bday SYP!!!
"It's kind of fun to do the impossible" - Walt Disney
Wow, here we are today, two years after I started my baby blog, Style Your Passion. I've never dreamed of being a blogger. I had no idea what blogging was until I started doing it. Heck, I didn't even know a Chicago blogging community existed in the first place! I literally figured it all out as I went along on this amazing ride. I am floored by the positive feedback I've been receiving. Extremely grateful and humbled by everything that has ever happened since I started my passion project.
I didn't want this blog post to be about how happy I am of my accomplishments. None of this would have ever happened if it weren't for you. Yes, YOU!!! I am so blessed to have the best readers. You are making my impossible, possible! So thank you for your daily support on my social media sites. I love reading all your comments and messages. You are making me constantly want to work harder and create better content for you.
My vision with Style Your Passion was not only to share my style and daily outfits. It was to help my readers find their own passion and hopefully motivate them by my own example, that if I can do it, they most certainly can do it too. Whether it is starting a photography blog, going back to school, taking up a sport (running? hint hint ;) or pursing a new career path. Whatever that may be, I want you to know that I believe in YOU and your abilities. I know that burning in your heart for something bigger and better than you could possibly think or imagine. It's just right around the corner. All YOU need to do, is take the first step. And then another. And another. And don't you ever, EVER give up!
I've learned so much in the past two years about myself, so thank you for helping me grow. I hope you have enjoyed the last 2 years (or if you're new - well, my warmest welcome, glad to have you here). Love you all to pieces! Cheers to many more years of Style Your Passion! After all, like Walt said, it is fun to do the impossible!
Check this out - when my #2 Balloon decided to fly away in the middle of my photo shoot, I had to chase it down on the parking lot full of cars in my dress and high heels. My sister snagged this gem ;) I decided to share it, so you can have a laugh. We just couldn't stop laughing ourselves. All photos credits go to my sis, Karolina Begier.
My dress is from Akira, I purchased it over 4 years ago and it is still one of my favorites. For my first Blog anniversary I also wore a black and white dress, so there might be a new trend being born. Check out my blog post from my first year of blogging and see what I wore here. I linked my suede jacket and few other dresses I thought you might like below. I am a stripe fanatic if you didn't know that by now.